Sign our petition
In Urban Unincorporated Washington County, we are not under the jurisdiction of any city government. Our County Board of Commissioners and other entities under their jurisdiction such as Land Use & Transportation (LUT) and Clean Water Services (CWS) have legal authority over our trees. Policy change will not come about without persuasion.

Sign our petition
Washington County residents have been asking for tree protections for many years but significant actions to save our rapidly disappearing trees have not been taken. This petition emphasizes our collective strong interest in saving what is left of our urban forest without delay. ​
Our petition urges the Board of Commissioners to act now to:
Initiate an urban forestry program.
Budget for an urban forester to develop an urban forestry plan with community groups including environmental justice organizations working in coordination with various county departments.
Expand existing tree protection requirements for trees in the urban unincorporated areas of the county.
Work with local community groups and Oregon’s Urban Forester to secure supplemental grant funding.