Your donations can make a mighty difference.
To donate by credit card,
please click the Paypal DONATE button.
Donations can be made by sending a personal check to "Treekeepers of Washington County" at:
Treekeepers of Washington County
10940 SW Barnes Road Box #285
Portland, OR 97225-5368
You may indicate at the bottom of the check any specific project you want to support.
Treekeepers of Washington County is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization.
Our federal tax ID number 88-3552265)
Donations to our organization are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
What Your Donation Supports
When you donate, you play a direct role
in our on-the-ground conservation and advocacy work.
Here are a few examples of the kind of important efforts your support makes possible.
Fund a video
to get the word out
We aspire to produce videos to spread the message about why mature trees are critical and to train new volunteers. High school groups are eager to help - but funds are needed.
Tools for Tree Inventories
Inventorying trees is important to knowing how best to protect them, but we can't gather the data without tools such as clinometers, diameter tapes, safety vests, and measuring wheels.
Getting the word out means printing costs, waterproof paper, signs, and many other expenses that quickly add up.