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Treekeepers Meetings

Treekeepers is an all-volunteer organization.

We depend on you: your ideas and energy.

Please join us in our meetings to help guide our decisions.

Your input is valued, and everyone is welcome. 

Each committee meeting has detailed agendas and minutes

that can be accessed on our shared drive once you have attended a committee meeting.


Monthly All-Committee Meetings

These meetings give all of us a chance to catch up on what committees and individuals have been working on during the month, and to consult about decisions being made.


Every month on the Fourth Monday, 5:30 pm

ZOOM link



Events & Outreach Subcommittee

This committee determines our projects such as tree walks, speakers, summer watering and Cool Schools, ivy pulls, tabling events, volunteer coordination, and more.



Every month on the third Sunday, 5:00 pm

ZOOM link



Policy & Strategy Subcommittee

This committee manages our bylaws and structure, finances and fundraising, partner organization relationships, legal issues, strategic plan, and more.



Every month on the third Sunday,  6:00 pm

ZOOM link


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Members publish our newsletter, manage social media, design the website, and more.








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